Friday, January 15, 2010

Module 3 - Collaboration

Do you believe that humans have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group” as Rheingold proposed in his discussion?

The idea that humans have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group” as discussed by Howard Rheingold in his video “Howard Rheingold: Way-New Collaboration” is an interesting perspective for discussion. There are many situations that can be discussed that support this notion. One situation, which is currently occurring, is how people group together to help during a disaster. For example, the efforts of many individuals to come together to help those affected by the disaster in Haiti. People are working together to collect and transport supplies to the affected area while others are traveling to the area to work in groups that will assist in search and rescue efforts. There is a basic need to reach out and be part of a collaborating group to bring about relief during this type of times. Another situation is during the act of celebration such as Independence Day or New Year’s Day. Individuals tend toward a natural grouping behavior to celebrate shared experiences or histories. For example, millions of people group together around the globe on New Year’s Eve to bring in the New Year together. It is an interesting concept considering it is just another day in the time span. What really makes January 1st any different from December 30th or January 2nd other than at some point in time it became the starting point of the year and a chance to be better. There are other situations where the basic instinct to group can be observed such as the tendencies to group by similarity, group for conquering, group for looting and rioting, and group for punishment. The last three examples are not representative of the best part of the human nature; however, they are very powerful aspects that occur. There are many examples throughout history where people grouped together to conquer other people or lands. A more recent example for looting and rioting would be the LA riots that took place in the early nineties. As for an example of grouping for punishment, a prime example would be covered in the mob mentality dealing with lynch mobs.

How can technology facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles?

The ability of technology to facilitate a collaborative process is shown in distant learning environments where technology is utilized in collaborative efforts of learners as they work on projects with group members that are located across vast distances. These learners work towards problem solving on issues as they communicate to enrich their experiences through a discussion and reflection process. Without the technology to allow this effective and timely interaction, the ability to collaborate on projects and issues would be limited to the physical arena of proximity.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. People absolutely come together in times of crisis as well as of happiness

  2. Your Haiti example is an example of people coming together in pursuit of a common goal. Pam also wrote about people collaborating for a common goal.

    Our ability to collaborate on the John Dewey table and the workplace problem technology report, despite living in different states, is proof that technology facilitates collaboration. Millions of people donating money for Haiti through a simple text message is another example of the ease of collaboration for a common goal that technology provides.
