Thursday, December 17, 2009

Module 1: Learning and instruction in a digital world

Module 1: Learning and Instruction in Digital World

What are your beliefs about how people learn best? What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?

Before the beliefs about how people learn best can be addressed, it is necessary to understand what is learning. Driscoll (2005) describes learning as “a persisting change in performance or performance potential that results from experience and interaction with the world” (p.1). So what does this mean? It means an individual has had sensory input through some or all of their senses that has caused them to think and/or behave in a specific manner as a result of the sensory input, and that the thought process or behavior will continue. How do people learn best? I think it depends on the individual. From a processing approach, individuals process information better depending on the sensory input for the particular individual. This is where learning theory becomes relevant. Driscoll (2005) discusses that learning theory tries to explain the aspects of results, means, and inputs as related to the learning process from observable occurrences (p.9).

The overall purpose of learning theory in educational technology is the same as with other areas of education. The purpose is to understand what works for the desired outcomes in the learning process so the students learn in the best possible manner. More specific to educational technology, the purpose is to examine the role and usage of the technological aspects to ensure the technology is a beneficial factor. Technology inclusion without purpose has the potential to create stumbling blocks to the learning process; however, when technology is included with specific purpose, it has the ability to provide additional components to the learning process that would not be available otherwise. For example, including alternative energy concepts in a biology biome project allows the students to make real world connections concerning concepts they are learning about the ecosystem. In this situation, the inclusion of the technology concepts has a specific purpose in the learning objectives, as well as, addresses issues of relevancy as high school students demand meaning to their learning. In History, the change in media for information transmission could be incorporated where students have to complete different components of a project in the different methods that have been utilized over time. Afterwards the students could follow up with discussion on the impact the different methods had on the ability to quickly and efficiently transmit information, and how this has affected society over time. Here again, the inclusion of the technology provides meaning and method to the process of the intended learning. Many examples could be given for all subjects because technology and the changes that have occurred are part of all aspects of learning and life. It just takes careful thought and time to ensure the inclusion is purposeful and effective.


Driscoll, M. P. (2005). Psychology of learning for instruction (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Monday, December 7, 2009